Friday, March 18, 2011

Funny creatures...

We went to the Stutong Park again yesterday morning and this time we finally spotted the macaques (monkeys)!! There were quite a few of them, a couple of baby ones and three or four adult ones. The kids had already bypassed them, when I noticed movement in the trees and called out for them to come back!

All the kids were super excited to see the monkeys jumping from tree to tree and picking fruits to eat. The small ones even played at pulling each others tails.

The fruits or nuts which the monkeys were eating

However, one would think spotting the monkeys would be the highlight of the trip, but, the kids spotted 3 even more interesting creatures there at the park! Squirrels? Fowls? Wild boars? you ask?

Nope... it was three old men who made very funny noises as they walked/ jogged on the path!!

First, an old guy walked past us going, "Sheee.... Shooo.... Sheee.... Shooo.... Shee.... Shooo....", like really loud!!

The kids couldn't stand it and broke out into laughter until I shushed them! Sidekick and I were controlling our own laughter!

Then we went further down the path and after awhile, we heard a loud, "HOoo... HOoo... HOoo... HOoo...".

So, I told the kids to look out for birds or owls in the trees, cause Michelle and Allyson said they'd seen a white owl there before.

There we were, all looking up and scanning the trees when I realised that the sound was moving and coming closer to us! Then another old man appeared round the bend and Claire exclaimed, "It's the ah pek!!"


I quickly told her to pipe down and we walked away hastily to laugh out of ear shot!!!

Well, we kept on going, and when we neared the end of the path, another old man came from the other direction and he was walking in small mechanical steps like a robot Japanese geisha!! He was going, "Humph... Heee... Humph... Heee... Humph... Heee..."!!

The kids couldn't stop laughing about the old men and their funny breathing exercises! I think they'll remember these grandpas more then the monkeys!! :)

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