Monday, March 7, 2011

Extra-curricular activities

So a couple of weeks ago, Hubby and I went to Annie's Kumon award giving ceremony. ASHR stands for Advanced Students Honour Roll. She received a silver medal, which means she is two years ahead of her age group.

We went to show our support, especially since she put in so many hours of effort, not to mention the tears involved as well! :)

Now she is motivated and wants to stay on until she achieves the three-year mark and gets her gold medal. Even Claire was inspired when she saw Jie Jie's shiny medal and told me to remind her about the medal whenever she doesn't feel like doing her Kumon daily worksheets!

Cousin Allyson also received her silver medal for maths. This is for 2010, and Allyson has stopped Kumon since last month. It is good to see the girls so proud of their achievement. This event shows them that their effort is recognized and celebrated, so it boosts their confidence and self-esteem.

Speaking of extra-curricular activities, Eva and Claire have also begun ballet lessons. I enrolled them in Jie Jie's dance school and they're both in the pre-ballet class now. So far they seem to be enjoying their classes, and especially love their new ballet costumes!

I am prepared for complaints in the future, as Annie has also been through the phases. They'll love the classes, then when it gets harder, they'll want to quit. Then when they're having fun again, they'll be enjoying themselves again... thus is the cycle.

Right now, Annie is in the, "I hate ballet" stage, cause they have a new teacher who is more strict, as they are getting more advanced. We'll see how long I can make her stay on... :)

Solomon wants in on the action... but I think Hubby will kill me if I sign his only son up for ballet lessons!!

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