Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How old are you?

 Top 5 ways to know you're getting along, age-wise...

5. You still consider 80's music as 'retro' music.

80's music was 'retro' music in the 90's. Now, I think it has been demoted to 'oldies'! They used to play 80's music mostly on Mix FM, now it's mostly on Light FM! So what does that tell you? Hmmm....
Our kids are gonna listen to Guns n' Roses and consider them 'oldies' like we did for The Beatles! *gasp*

4. You have to diet just to maintain your normal weight.

During the wonderful teenage years, we could eat excessively, as we were still 'growing' and needed the extra calories to grow upwards. Then in our 20's we began ballooning, cause we were still eating the same amount, but little did we know, vertical growth had been replaced by horizontal expansion!
It takes about a decade for that realization to sink into our thick skulls; "Apparently, it seems we can no longer afford to have chicken rice for breakfast and kolok mee for supper..."
So in our 30's most of us become fitness freaks, eating twigs and running marathons...

3. You pass on ice-cream.

When we were kids, ice-cream was sacred. Declining ice-cream was unimaginable blasphemy! How could one not want ice-cream? It is cold, it is sweet, it melts in your mouth!!
Somehow as we age and lose our 'innocence', I suppose our more experienced taste buds become more 'sophisticated'. Our 'classy' taste buds are then too good for plain good ol' ice-cream?
I suppose a dessert with a long name (the longer the more 'sophisticated') like 'gourmet Belgian chocolate chocolate tart in a shortcrust pastry shell topped with real vanilla bean home-made ice-cream, drizzled with wild raspberry reduction' would now be preferable...

2. You have to scroll down pretty far...

You know, when filling in those online personal data forms, you reach the section on date of birth. Then when you come to the year, you scroll down, looking for your elusive 'year-of-birth'! It seems like year after year, the scrolling takes longer and longer, as you find your poor little YOB waaayyy down on the list! 

 1. You find Justin Bieber irritating.

Extra points if you do not know who Justin Bieber is...
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