Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cloudy with a chance of meatballs

On Sunday, Hubby and I brought kids no. 1 and 2 to the new MBO cinema at The Spring to watch 'Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs' in 3D. Don't bother asking the kids what they watched, the title is just too long! I don't think you'd get an answer from Hubby even! :)

Anyway we kind of bribed kid no.3 into staying home with Grandma, because she doesn't have a long enough attention span just yet, and wouldn't have appreciated the movie anyway. For her, the popcorn and fizzy drinks hold more excitement than the movie! It's a good thing that she loves spending time with Grandma, and a little ice-cream bribe thrown in helped ease the decision making process! ;)

We chose to watch the 3D version and it was a bit pricey; RM20 per adult and RM15 for children. They handed out grimy, plastic 3D goggles at the door which you have to return at the end. The 3D effects weren't all that great. Some bits where it looked like burgers were falling on you were quite interesting, but otherwise it wasn't anything remarkable. I guess we expected too much, after experiencing the 3D movie at Hong Kong Disneyland. Now that was really cool.

Well, we just wanted the kids to experience the novelty of it, but I don't think we'll go for the 3D versions again. Claire even took the goggles off after a while and just refused to put them back on.

As for the movie, I thought it was pretty cool. The ice-cream snow was my favourite! What child never imagined ice-cream or candy raining from the sky eh?

(Hmmm... It wasn't just me, was it?)

The kids absolutely loved the part where the mutant pancakes and syrup flattened the school! "Hooray! No school! No school!"
(They obviously can relate to those kids jumping up and down with glee!)

As for Hubby... I'm sure he would have preferred less Jell-O and more Bruce Lee, but he didn't complain. He's glad to spend some Happy Time with the kids before he flies off to Papua New Guinea on Monday.

So, I guess I would rate 'Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs' 3 out of 5 stars. If only we had ice-cream snow... the world would be a much happier place I should think...
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