Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Mum's dog, Mimi passed away a couple of weeks ago. SIL gave her to us when she was just a wee little ball of white fluff! We can't remember exactly when, but Little Brother is pretty sure it was the year before I got married, so that would make it 1999. That means Mimi is 12 human years which is equal to 84 dog years!
I initially named her Miaw Miaw, but mum said that was a bit 'chek ak' so we renamed her Mimi! :) As a puppy she loved chasing the mop about the house, and sometimes latched on with her teeth and then she would become part of the mop!
She was supposed to be a house dog, but somehow ended up outside. She was never clean for long, cause she liked rolling in the mud and hanging out under the car! During the rare moments when she was clean, white and fluffy, she looked more like a sheep!!
Anyway, a few weeks ago, she started getting weak and disorientated. First to go was her vision. Even though we brought her to the vet and she was on medication, things went downhill from there.
Well, at least she got to live to a ripe old age, and she's keeping mum company now.
Bye Mimi, send our love to mum! :)