Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bersih rally

Today is an historical day for Malaysia. Right now, there are tens of thousands of Malaysians marching on the streets of Kuala Lumpur towards the national stadium to attend a peaceful rally. The rally is organized by an organization called Bersih (meaning clean in Malay) which fights for clean and fair elections.

Although Bersih has been recognized by our King, it has been declared illegal by the ruling government! Imagine that...

Anyway, these brave souls are facing arrests, tear gas, as well as chemicals and dye shot from water cannons! It has slowed them down, but they are nevertheless still marching strong towards their destination.

Although the government has tried to turn this into a racial issue, a lot of Malaysian are not falling for it and the people marching today are of all races!

This, my friends, is the true 1 Malaysia.

I hope their bravery does bring about change.

I am truly proud to be a Malaysian today.
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