Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Palm Sunday

Last Sunday was Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter.We decided to bring the kids to climb Mt. Singai again. It's an easy climb, with steps all the way, but that day, the planks were wet and dangerously slippery, so we had to go slow and be very careful.

This time the experience was made more special by celebrating Palm Sunday mass together with the parishioners from the surrounding kampung (village). I think this was the first time most of us attended mass in a church in the middle of a jungle, halfway up a mountain!

After mass, they generously invited us to join them for the fellowship lunch. Everyone was starving after the climb, so the deliciously simple fare of white rice, ginger chicken and stir-fried cucumbers was very much welcomed indeed! Annie asked me if it was a special restaurant where you eat for free! :)

The big kids had no problem climbing up to the church and down again. Solomon fell asleep even before we started climbing, so I had to carry him, hoping to burn mega calories in the process! But I surrendered mid-way and passed him to Hubby to carry.

Claire did very well and only needed occasional words of encouragement to keep her going. Eva was pretty grumpy when she got tired and needed lots of coaxing and of course the usual bribe of the magical 'Sunny Hill ice-cream'! We told her if she climbed up and down all by herself we would all go for ice-cream after. Hubby had to carry her for a short while, but other than that she mostly climbed on her own! The second we reached the bottom she perked up and asked, "Now we eat ice-cream?"

Pit-stop; notice Claire guarding the blue bag... it contains food! :)

Last time we checked, he was 13 kilos!
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