The movie was great, I think it deserves the best movie Oscar, but I haven't seen the other nominees, except for 'Changeling' (yes, pirated). Was that one a nominee? Anyway, the songs in 'Slumdog' were cool too.
I remember when I was on the Malaysian version of 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire'! It all started when I was in confinement after having Annie. Any asian mother can tell you confinement is a really boring 30 days. So I was watching tv most of the time and 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire' was the most watched gameshow at the time. When the host, whatshisname, Jamalludin?... something starting with 'J' (the corny actor with the Datuk looking face), said, "If you want to be a millionaire, call now". Since I was bored out of my wits, I called.
There were a few general knowledge questions you had to answer, then you left your name and number. I must have answered them correctly as they called back a couple of weeks later. I was rather surprised as I had already forgotten about it by then. Well, they asked another question but this time it was an impossible question. I forgot how it went exactly, but it was one of those which started with, "In what year did bla..bla..bla..". I had totally no idea so I asked her to repeat the question to buy some time. Then told her I didn't know but would just try 1946! She did not say whether I was right or wrong and just thanked me and hung up.
A couple more weeks later, they called back and asked me to attend the taping of the show in KL, as a contestant. I am quite sure I didn't give the right answer in that last phone call, but I suspect they were just trying to see if I would be able to make small talk with the host instead of clamming up while grappling with a difficult question.
So, hubby and I flew to KL and went to NTV7's station at Shah Alam. I was told not to wear small stripes as it did funny things on screen. We were briefed and given 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire" t-shirts (yay!) and asked to fill in a form. Among the questions asked was, "What type of question do you most dislike?" or something to that extent. I was debating on whether to answer it honestly. I still wonder how they use that bit of information. I'll bet if you reach the last stage, they'll give you precisely what you hate!
Anyways, I didn't get through the initial stage even, the one where you key in 4 answers in the right order and the fastest gets to play. During the rehearsal I was the fastest though, I'm usually very fast with my hands. So I did get to sit in the chair at least, even if it was only a rehearsal. The question was to arrange the months in ascending order.
During the actual taping however, the first question was to arrange the 4 words in alphabetical order. I'm a bit slow at that and was also nervous. So the first guy went up and tried to become a millionaire while we sat in the background. When his luck ran out, we got another chance. I was determined to relax and nail the next one.
Unfortunately, the next question was to arrange the toll booths in order from north to south. Since all the toll booths were in West Malaysia, I hadn't a clue. I should've just punched in A,B,C,D, because that was the answer! Well, that was the end of my million dollar dream! At least we could say we were on the set, which was exactly the same as the ones in every other country, just like the one in 'Slumdog'. Oh ya, and I also had the t-shirt... don't know where it's gone now, and I can even tell my kids mummy was on national tv (a bit embarrassing, since I didn't even get past the first round)!
All in all it was an experience. Will upload a photo of me on the set if I can find it!