Wednesday, February 18, 2009

KY jelly and suppositories

Solomon is just recovering from a throat infection. 3 days of high fever... meaning 3 days of lost sleep for mummy. His temperature peaked at 38.9 degrees Celsius. So out came the KY jelly and Voltaren 12.5mg suppositories. I have a phobia of high temperatures.. especially after hearing those scary stories about young children, high fevers and brain damage. Since Solomon is number 4, I'm already considered much more relaxed. Back when Annie (no.1) was sick, I had to set the alarm clock to go off every half to 1 hour just to make sure she wasn't burning up! Obsessive compulsive? Wait till you have kids..

So anyway, Solomon's better now. Today's his last day of Klacid suspension. He must have gotten the bug from Annie, who got sick after swimming everyday for 4 days in a row (some days twice)! Hubby wanted to see what it takes to make them beg you not to swim instead! Haha.. not happening..

During his visit to the paediatrician, Solomon weighed in at 9.1kg. At 6 months old, the doc said he was way overweight; 9.1kg was the normal weight of a 10 month old. So my poor baby has to go on a diet. Actually no.2 and no.3 are also overweight, so I guess the whole family (bar Annie) is going to have to shape up! Yup, mum and dad especially. As if it's not hard enough to cook for fussy kids. Now I have to think of dishes which they'll want to eat and which must also be healthy and low in fat! In other words, I'll have to learn the art of disguising veggies and fruits. Good luck to me..
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