Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Car wash

I'm at the car wash now. I usually detest wasting a good whole hour at a car wash, but my car is seriously dirty. So, so dirty. So dirty that it's getting embarrassing! And I usually don't really care when my car is covered with a layer of grey, I figure as long as my kids are clean, it doesn't matter if my car is off colour!! :) So, you can imagine how filthy it has to be before I surrender and go to the car wash!!

Since we live in a condo, it's a bit harder to clean your own car. You have to drive it to the car wash bay, then haul all your buckets and stuff down. Then there's no electrical socket to plug in a vacuum cleaner anyway, so we just bring the cars to the commercial car wash.

As you can see, I am not one of those car fanatics. My requirements for a car is that it is big enough for the 4 monkeys, is not too beat up and basically can get me from A to B! I don't know nuts about cars. I can only tell you  if a car is a sedan, a sports car, a lorry, a van or an SUV, but beyond that, I just differentiate by colour! Don't even bother asking me about brand and model! I don't waste brain space on car details. I do, however, have an impressive knowledge of infant milk formula brands and prices as well as the different 'models' of disposable diapers available in the market! :)

So anyway, I'm here at the car wash, and at least I brought my netbook so it's not a total waste of time. Every time I come here the guy asks me if I need air freshener (hint hint?) and tells me not to let my car get so dusty as it's not good for the kids!! hahahaha...

He's a hard-working, straight-forward boy (a little slow mentally I think. Not joking.) and I like to come here because he is very thorough and gets the car really clean inside and out! But he's not here today. I wonder if he's stopped working and whether the other guys will be as thorough as he was...

Oh well, we'll know soon enough.

Have a great day ahead everyone! :)
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