Saturday, September 5, 2009
Wise King Solomon
Here's an example of Solomon's usual serious, far-away look. He is very much unlike his sister Claire who was a really happy baby and would smile and laugh at just about anything.
Hubby and I are wondering whether this sober demeanor has anything to do with the name we have given him. Solomon, according to the Bible was a wise king and I guess wise kings must look serious and, I don't know... wise?
As proud parents, we of course would like to imagine that our little wise king has the weight of the world on his shoulders and is pondering on the current economic and political situation of the world, or perhaps mulling over theology, philosophy and the fate of mankind?
But honestly, I'll bet what's really going through his mind would be something more like this:
I'll say, that rubber ball was really tasty, don't you think? Darn... now I can't decide which to put on the top of my 'yummy list'; should it be the rubber ball or the tv remote? Rubber ball or tv remote? Rubber ball or tv remote? Rubber ball or tv remote? Although, come to think of it, mum's handphone tastes pretty good too...