Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Kids drop-off

Last weekend, we went to Mommy's favourite place again. The children's 'art station' at The Spring.

I discovered an even better activity; painting clay figurines. It's 'even better' because the kids take longer to paint, compared to sand art. Moreover, after painting, they have to wait for the paint to dry! So, we're talking about say, 1 hour of no-kids-in-your-hair-time!! Is that great or what?

Now if I could, I would love to make some suggestions to the proprietor of this fabulous place:

1. cage up the area to keep kids from wandering off.

2. hire a couple of babysitters to mind the kids for longer durations.

3. allow parents to drop kids off and tag the kids with numbers then give correspondingly numbered tickets to corresponding parents.

4. charge RM20 to mind said kid for the length of a movie.

5. parents claim kids using given tickets (like the baggage counter at supermarkets)!

6. everybody is happy!!

I would most definitely use this service...

see Daddy 'goyang kaki' at Coffee Bean 10 feet away...
(the new cinema is also very enticingly only 10 feet away in the other direction)
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