Thursday, April 30, 2009

Slice of heaven

On Sunday, hubby and I went mountain climbing at Mt Serapi again. We (mostly me actually) were still a bit sore from the last hike, so this time we decided to take the shorter route to the waterfall. Yes, the one where you risk encountering leeches!!

Now, leeches rank no.2, on my list of 'despicable creatures', right behind cockroaches. It doesn't matter that leeches are harmless and actually medically useful, they're just gross. So, I went armed with a big bottle of salt which I grabbed from the kitchen. It seems if a leech attaches itself to you, putting salt on it will make it drop off. I was considering rubbing my whole body down with salt first, you know, just in case.

As usual, by the time we dropped the kids off at grandpa's place it was already well past ten. We then proceeded to have our favourite kolo mee (this time I could take scrummy photos of the noodles, since discovering the camera's macro mode) and headed off.

When we reached the park, I wasted no time asking the park ranger about the chances of having a blood-sucking slimy slug crawl up my leg. Fortunately, he explained that leeches were more prevalent during the rainy season. Since it is now the dry season, and the day was nice and hot, I could breathe easier. Still, I was on high alert, all along the one and a half hour trek (one way), trying not to brush up against the shrubbery, lest I tempt a leech with my delicious blood filled limbs. I am alive and well to report that luckily, there were no leeches in sight.

Oh, but when we reached the waterfall... seriously, risking the leeches was totally worth it! It was so beautiful and peaceful. There were lots of butterflies floating about, giving the place an air of tranquility. I imagine the Garden of Eden might have been something like this (minus the leeches of course).

We swam in the chilly water and sat under the cascading waterfall. It was better than any spa! Then we had a bit to eat and spent ages photographing the gorgeous butterflies. (it's the obsession with the macro mode thing...) I could've spent the whole afternoon there, but we still had a long trek ahead, so we left after spending more than an hour lounging about.

It's truly a beautiful place, and I can't wait to get back. It would be lovely if we could bring the kids along, but the trek is too strenuous. We'll search for a more accessible, interesting piece of nature to bring them to this Labour Day weekend. Will keep you posted!
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