Thursday, August 18, 2011

Solomon is 3!

Solomon celebrating his birthday at school for the first time!

My littlest, Solomon, turned 3 on Saturday! For Claire's birthday, she chose to go to Sugarbun for lunch, for Eva, she chose to have Taiwanese noodles at Spring, followed by sand art and clay figurine painting. Solomon also wanted to go to Spring on the night of his birthday. He wanted to buy toys!

Well, Claire, Eva and Solomon had amassed quite a fortune in ang pows for their birthdays, so we decided they could spend some of it on a toy of their choice. I kept all their ang pow money in my handbag. Before leaving for Spring, Claire and Eva remembered to bring their wallets which had some odd change which they received from the 'Tooth Fairy' and such.

Suddenly someone exclaimed that Eva had a hundred dollar note in her wallet! She quickly surrendered it to me and we interrogated her as to where she got the money from! She said it was her ang pow money, and I knew she had been exploring my handbag! I told her off for rummaging my bag without permission and thought that was that, when hers sisters screamed, "She's got a lot more!"

I told her to hand me her wallet and she refused to show anyone and started crying! In the end we found out that she had a total of RM280 in her wallet!! She had kept track of her ang pow collection and retrieved it herself!!


I don't think she realized the value of all those pieces of notes! I told her that it was dangerous for children to carry around so much money and remind her not to do that again! I think she decided to take matters into her own hands as their ang pows always seem to vanish once passed to mummy!! heheheh  :)

So anyway, Claire chose a Twister game set (it's really fun!) while Eva picked out a battery operated toy microwave set. Solomon (with Daddy's persuasion.. *ahem*) bought a Nerf dart gun!

Then we over ate as usual at Kenny Rogers. It was a fun and tiring night.

Happy Birthday Solomon darling!

A hilarious game of Twister in progress..

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