Friday, September 3, 2010

Annual reporting concert 2010

Another concert... Annie's ballet school, had their annual reporting concert on Monday night. This is when all the students and teachers perform for parents and the public, to showcase all that they have learned and achieved throughout the year.

Annie has been learning classical ballet with them for 4 years, along with cousin Allyson. They initially took up traditional Chinese dance along with the ballet, but we let them drop the Chinese dance after a year or two because they kept complaining that they wanted to stop dance lessons altogether. So, we made a bargain with them to stop just one.

I believe we have to push them and sometimes even force them to see something through, once they start it. Being so young, they of course do not have much determination or discipline yet and there will be days when they enjoy their extra-curricular activities and days when they'll cry and beg to quit! Sometimes we do feel guilty for forcing them to do something which they do not seem to enjoy. So, I was really happy when Annie told me after the concert that she decided she loved ballet and wanted to continue learning until she was grown-up like her teachers! :)

There were many new students; cute little girls!

Kids no.2, 3 & 4 and cousin Michelle came to cheer their jie jies on!

Annie and Allyson performed in "Kingdom of the Little Birds"

Annie is at the back row, far end, back facing the camera -  I couldn't get decent shots of her.

She's at the back row, second from left.

Cousin Allyson was in front, the one kneeling and facing the camera.

This dance was quite impressive, something about egrets in a storm...

Well done young ladies!

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