Thursday, September 23, 2010

Kindy open day

While Hubby was busy with his buddy's wedding activities on Saturday, I was preoccupied with kids 1 through 4. Solomon was running a high temperature, Annie had Taekwondo and music classes which she had to be ferried to and fro from, and Claire and Eva were participating in their kindergarten's Open Day.

At their kindy open day, there were various activities going on in the individual classrooms:

stamping with banana stems and carved potatoes...

learning about magnets via 'fishing'...

instilling environmental awareness by recycling paper...

computer aided learning... Annie hung around awhile because her Taekwondo class started later and was being held just around the corner in an adjoining block. Solomon was left at home with Sidekick to get some rest.

Here they volunteered to be interviewed! They'd do anything for candy! :)

A wee little 4 year old boy sang while playing the ukulele! If I am not mistaken, he has two older brothers who are also super talented with the guitar. He couldn't even pronounce his 'L' sound yet, so he was going,"Yu ya ya yu ya ya yu ya yu ya yay..." Too cute...

Then Eva participated in a telematch game where she had to run to a toy house and pick out her name from a bunch of paper gingerbread men cut-outs and run back and tag her teammate.

Claire's year did a dance to the 'Shalalalala' song.

They have all been practicing for months for this special occasion and everyone of them did extremely well! That day, the school was full of parents with cameras snapping away and you could see their faces beaming with pride!
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