Monday, December 14, 2009

Santa Claus?

For want of something to do, I brought the kids to Green Heights Mall to meet "Santa Claus"! It's a sign of bad times when Santa only hands out one teensy sweet per kid! :) But, I know, I know, it's the thought that counts...

Annie told me later that she thought Santa would be handing out gifts like Wii and Nintendo DS!! Yes, that would've been nice wouldn't it?!

Solomon was not too interested in Santa. He was more excited about the sweets he was passing out!

There was some carolling as well, by a church group, which included some violin-playing. 'Twas all quite pleasant, nothing impressive.

Anyway, kids happy + killed some time = mission accomplished.

(As you can see, the Christmas mood hasn't really kicked in for me yet... hence the slight 'Scrooginess'!)

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