Thursday, May 30, 2013


Whale shark!! *check*!! Twice!!


We saw two whale sharks yesterday. The first one was smaller and we were all snorkelling and swimming after it! It was so tiring! Hubby was swimming with a bad back and with a camera in hand!

Then we saw another one on the second dive. The dive master was clanging like crazy and pointing a little above us, at around 15m depth.

I looked hard at the direction he was pointing towards. Visibility wasn't so great, maybe 15m.

Then all of a sudden it was right in front of me! It was so huge and majestic! Even bigger than the earlier one... Maybe 5-8m long!! Truly a gentle giant!

I was awestruck! It came towards us, swam upwards, over us... Then it turned around right above me and went back the same direction it came and descended into the deep blue!

*sigh* This is definitely the most amazing dive experience ever! Everyone was ecstatic and jumping about with joy when we came up onto the boat!

A great day indeed!
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