Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Get married?!

So the other day, I had just picked Solomon up from school and he said,

Solomon:  Next time I want to get married.

Mum:       (Taken aback) Get married?!
                 Marry who??

Solomon:  Neh... like last time hold candle walk on the road one ah...


I then realized what he meant.

You see, recently, Sis no.2 and I have been busy with preparations for our cousin Athena's wedding. Alaena, Claire, Eva, Amelie and Asa are all going to be flower girls. So I supposed he heard us talking about flower girls, 'getting married', etc..

And a couple of weeks ago, it was the feast of Corpus Christi, and we went to St Joseph's Cathedral. The kids experienced a candlelight procession on the road for the first time. It was fun that they got to hold candles with real fire and walk right smack in the middle of a large road!

In front of the procession were flower girls leading the way and throwing flowers on the ground. So I suppose he figured; "Flower girls = getting married!!"

So it seems, the poor boy thought he got married!! lol!
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