So Hubby and I are at the airport again waiting for our flight to Singapore. We are going for Hubby's cornea transplant which I mentioned in my earlier post.
Well, we've been on standby since last night; waiting for the eye centre to call to let us know if a viable cornea is available. There's quite a lot involved in preparing a viable cornea. Firstly of course, we have to wait for someone to die (Doesn't sound very nice right? But don't get us wrong, we are indeed grateful for that generous person), then blood tests have to be done to ensure that the cornea is healthy and free of diseases, then it's condition has to be inspected by the doctors and then cut to remove a thin layer of cells. Somewhere along the line it was also sent from another country, most likely USA. I'm not too sure of the sequence of events.
So anyway, we've been waiting since last night to find out if it's a go for the surgery. They still could not give us an answer last night and told us to wait some more. I had to prepare the kids and let them know that I might not be able to pick them up from school and all their things were packed and ready to be shipped to Granddad's once the ball dropped.
So when this morning passed without news, we kinda thought the surgery would be cancelled and re-scheduled. And knowing the professor's tight schedule, that wouldn't be until at least another month's time! Thus I decided to get my hair washed at the salon!
In the middle of a fabulous shoulder rub, Hubby called to say that the surgery was on and he was checking out the next flight to Singapore! He found that the next flight was 5 hours away, hence the 'Amazing Race' began.
I picked up Solomon from playschool, then Annie who is having exams so is only in school till noon, then Claire and Eva from kindergarten. Then it was off for a quick lunch at Kung Kung Titus'. After lunch we went home to pack and basically move house! If you don't audit the things the kids pack, they will move the entire house to Granddad's! :)
Finally, we sent the kids to Granddad's, and he brought Hubby and I to the airport.
So here we are at Coffee Bean at Gate 9, me on my laptop blogging and Hubby on the sofa snoring :)
Pray everything goes well for Hubby's surgery tomorrow morning!