Saturday, May 15, 2010

Cloud nine!


I am so happy!! Hubby's jail term at Papua New Guinea has been cut short! They have urgent business in Bintulu, so they have to come back and go to Bintulu, which is definitely way better than being in Papua New Guinea! It is in the same country for one, and there is internet connection and 3G... i.e: civillization!

No more expensive phone calls with irritating 5 second delays, no more not being able to use WhatsApp with Hubby! Hehehe... my streak of bad luck is over! On top of Annie dropping her tuition money (RM255) and my staff stealing money (RM1K+), I also scratched some idiot's car and was harassed into forking out RM300!! Scratch only, no dent nothing! That was bad luck number three I think!

Only Glee, online scrabble and Jodi Picoult have kept me sane these previous two weeks!!

Anyway, all that doesn't matter anymore, Hubby's coming back and nothing can ruin my day now! Problems will always seem less significant when you have someone to share them with :)

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