Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I've been itching to cut my hair really short. The last time I had a boy cut was in form 3! I was apprehensive because my face is kinda round and short hair would just accentuate that! So since I have lost weight and my face looks slimmer, I thought it was time to cut it short. It would be easier and time-saving too since I wash my hair everyday after Zumba.

So I went to my usual hairdresser and he refused to comply, saying it didn't suit me! He was also in a bad mood and in the midst of telling his staff off so I think the negative energy manifested in my haircut! Lol! i.e: it wasn't a good haircut.

Now I had even more reason to cut it short! So after some research and asking friends for recommendations, I chose to visit Cutting Edge hair salon.

The hairdresser, gave me a perky, short cut, ala Emma Watson, so he says! I like it. It is very refreshing and I always love a drastic change in haircut or hair colour. Makes life more interesting don't you think?

Anyway, now I just hope I know how to maintain it by styling with clay. I'm never good at using hair products... or any other cosmetic products for that matter...
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