Sunday, November 25, 2012

screwwy spine

So Hubby has had a back problem for many years now. It comes and goes, getting worse with activity like golf especially.

This current episode started around 3 weeks ago, when he started playing golf again. He has been going gym crazy and doing strength training for the past 2 months but it didn't seem to cause any harm to his back. It seems that golf is the trigger factor.

This time it was extremely painful, so much so that he was walking with his butt sticking out to one side! Thus he finally decided  it was time to pay the doctor a visit.

So yesterday, after seeing the orthopaedic surgeon, and an x-ray and an MRI later, we were told that he had a slipped disc.

Discs are jelly-like circular cushion pads which go in between the spinal bones. Apparently Hubby's disc at lumbar 5 was dried out and fragmented and sticking out. It was pressing on a nerve which caused the pain and worse; numbness down the legs.

So we were told that an operation was the best option. After a second opinion from a spine specialist, Hubby decided to go ahead with the op that night itself. Have I ever mentioned that Hubby likes to do things straight away, chop chop, no wasting time, that kinda thing? This can be a good thing at most times, but also very stressful and scary for the faint-hearted like me!!

The first surgeon didn't help, by making it sound like it was an emergency and couldn't wait, whereas the second, more qualified surgeon was more relaxed about it. But anyway, by then Hubby had already set his mind to go ahead. He wants an active lifestyle and knew this was the only way to go.

The spine specialist reassured us that it was a very common procedure and he does a few every week. Mum's friend Aunty Lillian, an orthopaedic nurse at GH also assured us that he was the right man to do the op.

So yesterday morning, we set out for a casual appointment to see a doc, and by 4pm found ourselves 'checking in' to the hospital as an inpatient, prepping for major surgery! (on the spine nonetheless!!)

Anyway the op went well, thank God, and Hubby is home and resting now, albeit in a lot of pain.

He now has 4 very expensive titanium screws in his spine which will set off metal detectors! The doctor gave him a card which explains this.

So the doc went in, through two small incisions (around 3" vertical slits) on either side of his lower spine. He removed the L5 disc which he said was already so dried up and damaged it was almost like an empty space. Then he fused the two bones together using the pedicle screws. So basically there is no more joint there and the two bones will fuse into one over the course of 6-9 months.

Hubby's birthday is tomorrow so this is his birthday present to himself! A new back! Hopefully in 9 months time, he will be able to play golf without any pain!

Latest update: We found out that the first surgeon has a reputation for recommending surgery straight away even when it is not the best route of action! It was a good thing I felt uneasy with his hasty demeanour and talked to Big Sis who insisted an immediate second opinion was the way to go and suggested I ask Aunty Lillian who to see.

Thank God Aunty Lillian was very adamant that we request for Dr Wong for a second opinion and to do the procedure. Turns out Dr Wong is one of the best we have here in Kuching, and also happens to be a visiting doctor at that very hospital and was in town! Everything fell into place as usual. Time and again, we are amazed by how God puts everything into place. I'll bet God even made sure Hubby went to the gym for 2 months to strengthen his back muscles in preparation for this!!

I've also learnt that we must trust our gut feeling. With the first doctor, even though my brain told me he was extremely qualified and we should trust what he says, I felt very uncomfortable. When he suggested surgery in such a hurry and was just a little bit shifty (I now realize, in hindsight) when asked whether the urgency was warranted, something felt amiss. It didn't help that Hubby was totally comfortable with the idea and was in agreement straight away! I was near panic and he was not the least bit ruffled!! (Your spine?! Hello?!)

Anyway, in the end we got the best doctor and everything went as well as it possibly could have. Thank God.
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