Thursday, August 9, 2012

Claire is 7!!

 Claire turned 7 on 25th July 2012! I made a Kit Kat and M&M's cake for her and we brought it to school during lunch break, for her to share with her friends.

Claire is really a big girl now, no longer in kindy! :) She's also doing very well in school and came in first for the first semester exams. She's proud to be the class monitor just like her Jie Jie was.

Happy Birthday Claire! Mummy and Daddy love you!!

Here are some photos I saw posted on their class notice board:

 Reporting on a field trip to the State Library.

 Learning about the sense of taste. Claire brought sweet cake sprinkles of course, and I'll bet no one tried the bitter gourd!! :)

 Growing green bean sprouts for science.
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