Friday, July 6, 2012

Sibling rivalry

Eva and Solomon are my two youngest and they are only 2 years apart in age. It is therefore understandable that they bicker all the time.

They fight over everything and anything. From the more obvious; toys and stickers, to a piece of string found on the car floor! (serious!)

Is a piece of string that fascinating? Or is it the sense of rivalry that propels them to challenge the other for ownership?? Most likely the latter; for when I offer (read threaten!) to give them 'a piece of string' as a present for their upcoming birthdays, as if by magic, nobody wants it anymore! lol! Try it! Works like a charm!

I suppose this rivalry is a natural and healthy part of growing up, and I just have to make sure things don't get out of hand. They are after all siblings, and even though they may seem at times irreconcilable arch enemies, under all the fighting, you can be sure that they do love each other.

I was assured of this the other day when Eva told me something.

You see, Solomon and Eva are the only two siblings who are still in kindergarten, so they go to the same school. Every morning, when I drop them off at the entrance, without fail, all rivalry is put aside and Eva brings Solomon, hand in hand, to his classroom before going to her own.

I thought all she did was to lead him to his class and then leave for her own, but one day she told me that she would bring him to his class, then they would give each other a 'huggie', then kiss and high five before he went in! This was their daily ritual! *awww...* Who would've thought...

I think that's so sweet, and I'm so proud of them! *beaming*
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