Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I'm recovering from the worst food poisoning I've ever experienced! Thank goodness it was only one night of agony!

Yesterday afternoon I had a drink at the mamak shop next to my pharmacy, while keeping an eye on Solomon blowing soap bubbles in front of my shop.

A couple of hours later I felt horrible! It started with awful nausea, bad stomach cramps and diarrhoea... Then later at night I had low grade fever, joint pains, cold sweats and muscle aches!! The nausea was just like morning sickness! (Not one of the best feelings in the world, trust me.)

Towards morning I was going to the loo every half hour! I shall spare you the details...

Luckily I'm feeling much better now, though still a bit light headed and my stomach still feels funny. On the bright side, I might have lost some weight! ;) Though knowing my affinity for food, my appetite will most likely return with a vengeance tomorrow!

Well, this morning, Hubby found out that a friend of his experienced the same symptoms a couple of days ago, after he too had teh tarik there!

So, I'm still cursing the dirty fellows next door who most probably served me E.Coli laced teh tarik!! #%%^*
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