Friday, October 5, 2012

on fire!

So here's how the after-school-conversation went two days ago:

Mum: So how was school today dear?

Solomon: Good. My teacher say my school on fire next Friday.

Mum: On fire? You mean fire drill, when the bell rings and everyone goes outside?

Solomon: Yes.

Mum: Oh, that is not real fire, it's just for practice.

Solomon: No, my teacher say is real fire.

Mum: Are you sure?

Solomon: Yes, is real fire.

Mum: I don't think so. Who is going to set the school on fire?

Solomon: No, by itself.

Mum: No lah, it's not a real fire.

Solomon: See first la.

So the next day (no, not next Friday):

Solomon: Today my school on fire, just now. I go outside and see Eva.

Mum: Oh, you had the fire drill today?

Solomon: Yes.

Mum: It wasn't a real fire right?

Solomon: No, not real fire. Yesterday my teacher thought is real fire.

:)  Kids are so adorably blur.....
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