Tuesday, August 10, 2010


So, this happened quite a while back. Annie asked me about menstrual periods because she heard her older cousin and some friends talking about it. She was only 8 then, but I figured it would be better to get the facts of life straight from your mum, instead of learning the wrong things from peers!

Mum: Yes, you will get your period maybe when you are around 12, 13 or 14 years old.

Annie: What?! (not too happy with the idea)

Mum: Yup, you will have your period for a few days, and it happens every month.

Annie: WHAT?!! Every month for a whole year?!

Mum: Ermmm....... no....... every month until you are around 50 years old...

Annie: WHAT?!!

Hahaha.. wait till she finds out what happens after that!! :)
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