We went to visit Grandpa Titus a while ago because Sis no.3 asked me to drop by to check on his foot. Apparently he has a sore or a growth or something on his big toe which is painful and making him limp a bit. Being the stubborn Grandpa he is, he wouldn't open the plaster to show Sis no.3, so I was sent over to investigate. You see, Grandpa will downplay anything from pneumonia to broken ribs, so I had to make sure it wasn't anything serious!
So we were in the car and I had just told the kids we were heading to Grandpa's house:
Claire: Why are we going to Kung Kung's house?
Mum: To look at his foot.
Claire: Why?
Mum: Because it's painful.
Claire: Why is it painful?
Mum: I'm not sure, maybe there's something 'growing' on it.
Claire: Is it a tree??