Saturday night, Annie had her cousin Allyson come for a sleep-over. It was already pretty late at night and the girls were still 'rioting' in their room, when Annie suddenly came over to our room, holding her head and telling us she had knocked her head on a corner of the wall and was bleeding!
There was quite a bit of blood, so the first thing I did was to apply pressure till the bleeding stopped. Upon further investigation, we found the wound to be a small gash which did not look too deep.
So, hubby and I piled the whole gang into the car, (all 5 kids, since we were 'maidless' and could not leave them at home!) and headed for the 24hrs Accident and Emergency clinic at Kuching Specialist Centre.
In the car, I took the opportunity to 'nag' the kids, "This is why I tell you all over and over again,
do not jump on the bed!"
Eva promptly replied, "I didn't jump on the bed! I only be the crocodile!"
So I concluded that they were jumping from bed to bed, trying to escape the 'crocodile' when Annie hit her head!
Then Eva launched into the very appropriate nursery rhyme;
"Five little monkeys, jumping on the bed.
One fell down and knocked his head.
Mama called the doctor, the doctor said,
'No more monkeys jumping on the bed!'
Four little monkeys...."
3 little monkeys + 1 crocodile (far right)
Anyway, Annie was really worried and asked what would happen at the hospital. I tried to prepare her for the probability that she might have to get stitches. So, I explained that the wound didn't look too bad and hopefully she would not need stitches. Even if she did, it would only be one or two. It would hurt a bit, like going to the dentist.
She started freaking out because she did not believe the last bit and she really has close to zero pain threshold!
So dad tried to help, "It's not going to be painful. They'll give you an injection first and you won't feel..."
INJECTION?!" cry, cry... sob, sob...
Ooops... wrong approach...
Anyway, after plenty of waiting, the doctor said there was no concussion, no need for an x-ray and no need for stitches!! Hooray! All that had to be done was to (in Claire's words),
"superglue the head"!
A bit of tissue glue, a waterproof plaster and some RM63 later, we were free to go. It was around 11pm when we got home. Solomon had already fallen asleep and the rest of the girls were already zombies!
So, I hope it was a very educational field trip for all, with the very important lesson;
"No More Monkeys Jumping On The Bed!"